Somatic Ecologist
& Nature-Based Soul Guide

About Brittany

Brittany Jane Laidlaw is a Somatic Ecologist, Nature-Based Soul Guide, and Rewilding Mentor with over 11 years of experience leading embodied, soul-centric programs in the wild. She is a PhD Candidate in eco-somatics and her research explores ways of relating to and restoring living ecologies through the somatic body. Her work has received numerous awards for its unique leadership in socio-ecological regeneration, including the inaugural Westpac Future Leaders Award, and Prime Minister's Endeavour Award. Brittany also holds a Masters of Environment in Somatic Ecology, and various certifications in nature connection, trauma-informed somatics, and permaculture. Today, Brittany offers a range of programs that guide people through The EARTHED Framework, an experiential map for conversing with the body, soul, and nature, based on her research.

Work with Brittany


Practice and research


Personalised 1-1 mentorship


Peer-reviewed articles & blogs


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What Brittany’s clients are saying:

Mother & Ceramic Artist


“To describe in great detail all the ways I have bloomed in Britt’s work is beyond words. Something has fundamentally changed in my bones, my heart opened in a way I had been searching for my whole life. To feel so deeply held and loved, to be guided with such loving grace. In the moments I felt as if I should give up, Britt imparted her wisdom that spoke directly to my pain and filled me with confidence to continue opening and softening. As I write this now, my eyes well up with tears of love and gratitude. She truly changed my life.”


Massage Therapist

“All the self help books, research, podcasts and personal development work I’ve done and none of them have helped me find myself the way Britt’s work has! I have never felt so free, so connected, so whole.”


“Never have you heard me say that something will transform your life, but Brittany’s work will.”

Women’s Spirituality Teacher


“Brittany’s work brought me home to the innate wisdom in all of us all. I transformed under her guidance. Brittany is wise beyond her years with a wealth of knowledge that runs deep within. Her easeful facilitation is astounding and her integrity is impeccable. She is truly dancing in the wild frontiers of the soul. Watch this space because Brittany’s offerings are so precious, so tender-hearted, so soulful, so much integrity - that they are not to be missed!”

Women’s Movement Coach


“There comes a time when you just know, when you trust that tiny but powerful feeling deep within you. This is how it was for me working with Britt. In a world full of programs and experiences - wait for the one that calls you. But also know from a woman who has now walked before you, that Brittany’s work is like no other. It is woven in a way that will not break you but slowly release you. Like a firm but loving Grandmother, it'll push you to places that you have not been, yet it'll hold you so safely that you will hardly realise the progress you have made until you look back on how far you've come. Working with Britt was a transformational experience that has literally shifted the trajectory of my life. ”